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Our services

Customs declarations in import, export and transit

The customs agency Agimex issuedyour import declarations (IMA, EUA) in Luxembourg for goods from third countries (outside the European Union). Our customs agents calculate the import duties and taxes applicable to your goods, in conjunction with the Customs and Excise Administration.

The customs agency Agimex issues your export declarations (EXA, EUA) from Luxembourg for goods shipped outside the European Union.

The Agimex customs agency issues your transit declarations (T1) for your goods arriving in Luxembourg, from third countries, which must be forwarded, under temporary suspension of duties and taxes, to another European Union country before being imported permanently.

The Agimex customs agency analyses your customs declaration requests and advises you in order to assist you in all your procedures.

Intrastat declarations

The Agimex customs agency draws up your intra stat declarations with Statec. These declarations are mandatory for certain goods based on your annual import and export turnover.

Declarations on excise duties

The Agimex Customs Agency is an approved customs representative, registered consignee and consignor and an approved warehouse keeper for excise duties by the Customs and Excise Administration.

The Agimex customs agency has a tax warehouse and can process your goods under a duty suspension regime.

The customs agency Agimex is also a tax representative for its Luxembourg customers.

Our declarants process your Electronic Accompanying Document (EDI) in connection with the shipment of your products within the European Union (EU), in suspension of excise duties to an authorised warehouse keeper, a registered consignee or for export.

Our tax filers prepare your Simplified Accompanying Document (DSA, DAS) as part of the shipment of your goods (such as spirits or energy products) within the EU having already paid the excise duties.

Our tax filers define the excise duties applicable to your goods imported into Luxembourg and prepare your AC4 declarations.

Opening hours

8:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00
Monday to Friday
Tel : 28 84 62

Find us here

Parc Logistique Eurohub Sud
504, Z.A.E. Wolser G
L-3434 Dudelange